A flicker of hope in one suffering depression can sometimes be the smallest of things, like finding a small functional pocket of creativity. It helps to have a muse as inspirational, epic and legendary such as one Ms Joylene Thornbird Hairmouth.
In my filth dreams, in the coal dark blackness of night, a gang of art terrorists decend with blow torches blazing upon the dog sitting on the tucker box, melting it into a white hot puddle of molten steel.
Swiftly erected in its place by the ‘Artorrists’ will be a two hundred metre high bronze statue of Joylene, the greatest Australian woman ever to draw breath (and mascara), Joylene being at least a cats whisker in standing above Margaret Whitlam and Barbie Rogers.
Begone sad old dog sitting on a tucker box, your time is past as Australias centre for artistic randomness. Behold the first of my humble tributes to the inspiring Joylene.
Tags: 1970's, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Countdown, Dining, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Joylene Hairmouth, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, MCA, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong