After watching Johnny Depp in ‘Charley and the chocolate factory’ i realised that i’ve always had a thing for ‘Bangs’, you know those little bits of hair that drop around your ears, but your fringe stays short, sort of a mutated mullet, i’ve had a scratch around the ‘Tingle photo archives’ and come up with a couple of examples.
Posts Tagged ‘Fair day’
Monday, October 31st, 2005PRIMUS:
Monday, October 31st, 2005Ahhhh, how sweet it is .. any ‘collectors’ out there probably have a ‘Wants list’, this is a list of your most desired items that you collect. For about 20 years #1 on my video wants list has been the early 1970’s action/adventure show ‘Primus’, this show was sort of a modern version of ‘Sea hunt’, in all my years of collecting i’ve never met anyone who even remembers the show, let alone having a copy on video tape, as far as i know it was never repeated after it’s first airing.
Imagine my joy when last Friday i scanned around ebay and found someone selling a copy of four episodes on video, got it at a really good price too. Now i have to look up my list and see whats next to get on my hit list.
CHECK 1 – 2:
Friday, October 28th, 2005After breakfast on the beach it was time for a reality check, i had to go out (kicking and screaming) and be locked in the theatre for the afternoon to play drums for a show, normally this is fun, but today it was just SO warm and sunny outside i really didnt want to go in, but .. the show must go on, and on it did. Below is a photo of the show band, from left to right is Brett (bass), Jan Maree ( MD and keyboards), Me (drums) and Adam (piano)
Friday, October 28th, 2005Phillip has been visiting from Melbourne these last couple of weeks, last Sunday we got up early-ish and had the most fantastic breakfast on the balcony of the Novotel hotel, each time i go there i kick myself for not making it a more regular event, it seriously has one of the best views in the world, looking out over a beautiful surf beach and our harbour, i’ve lived here all my life and i still find myself stopping and looking out at the view in wonder, sometimes we just dont know how lucky we are.
Friday, October 28th, 2005OP SHOP AU GO GO:
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005Friday last i decided i HAD to have a release for my repressed shopping urges, as it’s now only a few short weeks until we head to the States my spending has been massively curtailed, so it was decided to send me out op shopping, this way i would get to unleash my contained urges without spending top dollar, for me it’s ALWAYS been about quantity over quality.
I was on holidays and i knew Tyson had a break from uni, knowing he shares my passion for ‘scoring a bargain’ i invited him along, on the understanding that he wouldnt undercut me on any purchases, it was a pretty succesful day, with me outlaying around $40.00 tops, and coming home with a car full of goodies.
The photos:
1) Foot:
2) Broiler: Some used foot spa’s, WHO would buy these crusty receptacles!?
3) Hot Dogs: A specialised weiner shop?, i wonder if ‘Pink soup’ will be on the
4) Jazzercise: I couldnt bring myself to purchase this video, even i now draw the
line at buying VHS.
5) Monster: I cant stand these inflatable advertising goiters, they unnerve me
not as much as those high powered, fan driven, dancing wind puppets you see
outside used car yards.
6) Burger movement: lucky we had eaten lunch just before we got to this op shop,
as we found a tepid bag of fast food abandoned on the window sill of this store.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005PURRRRRFECT:
Saturday, October 1st, 2005The last few days i’ve been digging through my OLD photo albums, i’m digging up all sorts of things .. the one thing i’ve noticed is how bad the printing is on most of them so i’ve had to try and fix them in photoshop, the other is i’ve always had a pretty good hand at taking photos and never really taking out of focus shots, i’ll give myself that. I really became interested in photography when i was about eleven and found an OLD box brownie, probably the one that took the attached black and white photo of me as a baby patting my sisters cat, those photos were never in focus but as time went on i started to take a few interesting photos, even if it was just a ‘click and wind’ camera. The photos below are just a couple i found in my old albums 1) is a pic of me as a toddler taken using a ‘box brownie’. 2) is a pic taken in our backyard of me holding my cat Choo Choo (most of my cats were named after ‘Top cat’ characters) .. this photo also highlights a rather troublesome ‘stance’ by myself, friends now concerned and bothered by my current pale complexion will be pleased to see that as an eleven year old i did actually have a tan. 3) Itook this pic of my cat Choo Choo, i remeber i wanted the grass in the foreground to be in focus, i sort of like this primitive shot (i was only eleven after all)
Saturday, October 1st, 2005Now the weather is warming up here i KNOW Adam is going to try and lure me out to go bush walking, call me old fashioned .. but if it doesnt have a travelator i dont want to know, my idea of walking in the wild is crossing the grassy median strip out the front of my house, and even then i take machete and hiking boots (OOH, bindi’s!!) this pic was taken at Fitzroy falls, not really in the ‘scrub’ but still, it WAS an uneven surface!.
Monday, September 12th, 2005Old Tamala is over the moon, i stand here before you
braying out a fanfare of unmitigated joy, from the
flatual pit of my arms, blurting out an ode to
announce we Just got confirmation that we’ve landed
seats for Paul’s second Anaheim show on Saturday the
12th of November ..
Tah dah!!
So not only will i now be going to see Paul on the
Friday, but now on the Saturday night i
will be able to take Adam to see his first ever rock
(rawk) concert .. i’m excited about this, but a little
concerned, i think the wildest concert Adam has been
to was a street theatre recital of ‘The cat in the
hat’ performed by a troop of desperate backpacking
‘sock puppeteers’ ..
How will he cope with my ‘Ringo Klaus-ian’ moments,
which will basically last for an hour before the
concert, all during it, and probably for the next year
Monday, September 12th, 2005Its that time again where i feature some more of Mata Hairies stunning fashions, i grabbed these stills from my set of Lancelot Link dvd’s, these are only from the first disc, later in the series i think the producers realised what a glamour they had in Marta, and thus started to dress her in some REALLY funky clothes i’ll have these on the blog soon.
Photo (1) shows that Marta has been trained to sit with perfect poise, and check out the rock on her finger.
Photo (2) this ISNT Marta, but rather an extra from the show.
Photo (3) shows Marta can wear any colour, even watermellon, i seriously love her chic close cropped hairdo as well.
Photo (4) this is Marta in disguise as an airhostess, please take note of the wide banded watch which EVERYONE who is anyone is wearing these days, the white bangle is really set off by the dark fur.
Monday, September 12th, 2005SPRING HAS SPRUNG:
Monday, September 5th, 2005STEPPING OUT:
Saturday, August 27th, 2005‘We can be hero’s’ currently screening on the ABC on Wednesday nights is the current ‘must watch situation’ down here in Aussie. Its a mockumentary about five Australians all vying for the title of ‘Australian of the year’ i wont go into details, go to to get the full rundown, however the character that has caught my eye, and how apt as she has a chronic stigmatism, is ‘Pat Mullins’. I will say no more, other thn the fact that Pat was born with aforementioned stigmatism, and one leg massively shorter than the other.
To work around her disability Pat taught herself at a very young age to roll everywhere, at incredible speeds. I love how Pat has adjusted her fashion to work with her disability, my favorite Pat pret a’ porter moment is to come this week, when she dons a pair of ‘pewter’ heels .. one greatley extended (see below pic). I will leave you with this quote from Pat ‘I may be disabled .. but i can roll’
Wednesday, August 24th, 2005This past weekend i’ve had Phillip from Melbourne visiting us, he stayed a few days which was fantastic, but it was a tough call for him to end up staying in Wollongong mere days after finishing a three month world trip. We had an absolute laugh trekking around and visiting a few old haunts, To give you a ‘slight’ insight into the man simply known as ‘Phillip’ on Sunday morning i woke up early-ish and was creeping around doing the washing up, the phone in the lounge rang and i raced to answer it before it woke Phillip up, i picked up the phone to find it was Phillip calling me from the next room, he informed me that he was awake, sitting up in bed, ready for breakfast and prepared to recieve visitors.
When i stay at Phillips place he makes me sleeep on a hissing, blurting, deflating air goiter. The pics below are an ‘art’ shot of Phillip i took in the side mirror of the car, the other pic is of Phillip, Adam and myself having breakfast at north Wollongong beach this past weekend.
Monday, August 22nd, 2005SEASON OF CHANGE:
Monday, August 22nd, 2005Some would call it a quirk, some would call it strange, others i’m sure have different names for it, but old Tamala dosnt like change .. well, not when it comes to her personal cleansing products. In the last few months two of my lathersome staples have been pulled from the shelves and ‘discontinued’ .. oh how i shudder at the finality of that word. First it was my Colgate pump pack tooth paste that got the rissole, then last week when shopping for my favorite ‘Sunflower and honey’ scented soap i saw the dreaded slip of paper on the shelve ‘Discontinued’.
With racing heart i scooped up the remaining few bars and hoofed it to the check out chick, who seeing the panic in my eyes made no attempt at idle chatter. When i got home i called the customer service number on the back wrapper of the soap, they clued me up to where i could score the last few remaining cakes in Wollongong.
I didnt dare wait till next day opening, i swished into town with my pathetic calico ‘greeny’ bags and swooped down upon the store that had the booty, i ran into a girlfriend from work who was also shopping, i was relieved to find out that she wasnt there to challenge me for the covetted cakes, but rather to pick up some eye liner. Knowing me as long as she has, she just gave me a gentle smile when she copped sight of my bags of lather goods.
I’m sad to say that the last of my toothpaste has now gone, i have moved on, but it will never be the same as the golden days of the pump pack, as some sort of solice the soap is stretching out quite nicely, i predict i should make it till at least December, before i have to make that all important decision as to what new soap i’ll be moving on to.
Thursday, August 18th, 2005NOOOOO YAWK IZ WHERE I’D RADDER STAY:
Thursday, August 18th, 2005In preparation for our visit to New York, i have started to trial a few outfits and moves for my time there, below is a pic of me on our Balcony in Wollongong, practicing swishing out onto our Park Avenue balcony in New York, i would like to thank Tyson for the loan of his dog, and Beryl for the hire of her wig ‘Dahhhh-link i luv ya, but gimme Park Aven-oo’.
Tuesday, August 16th, 2005RINGO KLAUS:
Tuesday, August 16th, 2005As our trip to the U.S draws ever nearer, friends are starting to show signs of concern about my probable behaviour at the two Paul McCartney concerts i am going to whilst over there. Its no secret that i am a BIG fan, and i become ‘quite’ emotional whenever i’ve been to one of his concerts, or had the opportunity to meet him, most famously after meeting Paul and shaking his hand for the first time, my friends turned to see that i had accomodated most of my entire right hand into my mouth, i feat i have never been able to replicate since.
So it is with a growing sense of joy and enthusiasm that i prepare for my next Paul encounter, my first in twelve years. In the movie ‘I want to hold your hand’ (about a group of mostly screaming teenage female fans trying to meet The Beatles) is a male character called ‘Ringo Klaus’, he is every bit as insane as the screaming girls, some friends have taken to refering to me by this name .. i hope i dont let them down. Below i’ve attached a couple of screen captures of Ringo Klaus in full flight at a concert, i’m currently in training practicing his moves.
Tuesday, August 16th, 2005Everyone is asking me ‘What are you most looking forward to seeing and doing on your trip to America?’ thats a REALLY hard question, but i’m slowly whittling down my priorities. Definatley in my top five things to see over there are the parading plastic surgery disasters, i want to spend a good few hours just sitting around Rodeo drive watching the passing throng of the ‘stretched people’.
I have a somewhat disturbing facination for people, who commit heinous acts upon their faces and bodys with scalpels, chemicals and just plain old fashion elastic bands all in the name of youth and beauty. One of my favorite ‘stretchy’ people to watch at the moment is Burt Reynolds, his face looks as if he’s in one of those ‘G’ force simulators.
Tuesday, August 16th, 2005Sniffing around ebay on the weekend, i came across a set of dvd’s of the childrens tv series from the early 1970’s ‘Here come the double deckers’, this totally blew me away!, i hadnt seen or really thought of this show since i first watched it in about 1973 (you do the math) memories came flooding back, i’m not sure if its just me, but i have a pretty good memory and recall, and when something triggers it, it can be pretty vivid. I remember sounds, smells, feelings etc. As soon as i saw these couple of images of the Double deckers, i was transported WAAAAY back.
When i was but a mere nipper, television was a total escape for me, i would become immersed in some parallel reality, the Double deckers was custom made for this escapism. The story revolved around a group of kids Tiger, Brains, Scooper, Sticks, Doughnut, Billie, Spring who had a secret hideaway, it was a big red double decker London bus, this served as the kids club house, and hideaway, from here they got into all sorts of adventures, my favorite character was ‘Sticks’ he was the drummer of the gang, boy how i wanted to hang out with those guys, they really had the ultimate cubby house.
I have a strong memory of being depressed, not sad, i mean REALLY depressed when the series came to an end, they only made seventeen episodes as well. I dont know of anyone else amongst my friends who remembers this show, i seem to have watched a few tv shows that very few others recall, other big shows for me, but that no one else seems to recall are ‘The rupert the bear show’ this wasnt a cartoon, but they used puppets. A couple of other shows i really liked were ‘Hotdog’ (with Jonathan Winters), ‘The Hector projector show’, ‘Comedy capers’, ‘Mack and Myer for hire’ (this last one i dont think anyone else but me watched, or ever saw)
I’m just going to clear my throat and give you a rendition of the Double deckers theme song .. ahem ..
Get on board! Get on board!
Come and join the Double Deckers.
Take a ticket for a journey,
On our double decker London bus.
Ring the bell (ding! ding!),
Toot the horn (honk! honk!),
When you ride with the Double Deckers.
Fun and laughter is what we’re after,
On our double double double decker bus.
You’re aboard! You’re aboard!
You’re aboard with the Double Deckers.
Fun and laughter is what we’re after,
On our double double double decker bus.
La la la! La la la!
La la la la la la la la.
La la la la la la la la,
On our double decker London bus.
Saturday, August 13th, 2005Years ago there was a band called Jellyfish and in this band was a lad by the name of Jason Falkner amazingly Jason wasnt the front person for this group. The fact that each member was super talented is probably what caused the band to implode after only two albums, it just couldnt contain the talent.
So Jason went solo and i followed after him, he has released two of my favorite albums ever ‘Author unknown’ and ‘Can you still feel’. In 1996 Jason toured Aussie, and it was fantastic to see his solo show at the Anandale pub up in Sydney, it was at this show that i heard ‘Both belong’ for the first time, i was totally floored by this song, and as soon as i got home i set about finding out what this song was and where i could find it, its STILL one of my favorite songs ever. I brought my camera up for the concert, but i was so ‘into’ the show i didnt take half as many pics as i usually do at shows, in a few days i’ll post some more pics of Jason in Sydney, i actually sent Jason at set, but i never heard if he recieved them or not. After the show i hung around the stage and had a beer, before long Jason came out for a bevy as well, with my infamous motto of ‘All arse and no class’ i went up to Jason and introduced myself, we had a really nice chat for ten minutes or so, sitting on the edge of the stage we talked about guitars, Sydney etc i must add Jason also promised me he’d be back the following year for a ‘proper’ tour .. Jason, i’m still waiting, are you listening? Before i headed back home to Wollongong, i got a photo with him as well as getting him to sign my cd. From the first day of hearing Jason it’s been my dream for him to work with Paul McCartney, like Paul, Jason plays ALL the instruments on his cd’s, and not just through synth’s or anything, he is a total virtuoso. You can imagine my glee when earlier this year Jason posted on his web site that he was working with Paul, on Macca’s new solo album. With the release of Pauls album imminent we arent sure if the Jason tracks are on it, or if they will be bonus tracks, whatever .. i just cant wait to hear them, and i cant believe this pair have joined forces, it can only be good.
Friday, August 12th, 2005As promised, some more images from my archives of the totally fab fashion plate ‘Marta Hari’.
Image 1 Above: A stunning pink twin set, featuring Marta’s patented fur concealing white stockings, please note the white high heels and the clear plastic inflatable chair Marta is lolling about on.
Image 2 Above: Not Marta, but an extra from the show. I’m impressed with anyone wearing ‘Jackie O’ glasses.
Image 3 Above: Not sure, but i think this could be tartan Marta is wearing.
Image 4 Above: Marta scrubs up! i like the disguise of the ‘Lennon’ glasses, what is it with super heroes and tv characters who think by donning a pair of glasses they become unrecognisable?, i also must add that i have come out of anesthetic before, and i’m sure through the ensuing ether haze, that i’ve seen monkeys dressed as doctors in the recovery ward.
Wednesday, August 10th, 2005Yesterday i had to take my mum and aunty up to Bondi to see a medical specialist, i was sitting in the waiting room and the professor walked out with my mum, he came over, said hello and shook my hand. My aunty then said to me ‘Professor helped deliver you’ .. it was just one of those weird moments in life, shaking the hand of the man who brought me into this world.
Mmmmmm, SPICEY!:
Monday, August 8th, 2005FASHION STAKES:
Sunday, August 7th, 2005On my last visit to Melbourne in April, i left one of my jackets behind by mistake, silly me entrusted its safe return to Phillip and Jake. Months later when i wore it out, i was walking through Sydney with a group of friends, i felt something in the pocket, upon reaching in, i pulled out a box of Jakes ‘Stomach cleansing tablets’ ie, high octane laxitives. This was dificult enough to explain away, then last night i wore the jacket again, someone pointed to the top right of the jacket, and sure enough, there was a message from Jake Dymo’d to the lapel .. what other hidden secrets could this item of clothing possibly hold!?
Sunday, August 7th, 2005After years of waiting, at last my favorite tv show, from when i was a kid, is out on dvd. Not many people remember this show, but those that do have a soft spot for it. Basically it was an adventure show, that starred monkey’s instead of humans, the cool thing was they used to drive cars, play tennis and ride moter bikes etc. Looking back and watching the show now, i’m not too sure PETA would agree with some of the ways the animals were treated, far more cruel however were the clothes, and fashion styles they dressed the stars of the show in. I’ve been capturing screen grabs of some of the best fashion moments from the show, by far ‘Marta Hari’ was the ‘IT’ girl, of the primate world back then. Over the coming weeks, i’ll be featuring some of Marta’s finest sartorial moments. Please pay special attention to Marta’s foot wear, even as a child i was amazed to see a monkey walk in high heels. In the second photo, check out Marta’s funky crocheted hat, the third photo shows that a chenile dressing gown can look pretty cool on a monkey, and the fourth photo shows a stunning example, of the wild high heels Marta used to prance around in .. this pair is silver
Thursday, May 19th, 2005Part of the deal we got to stay in L.A is a two day pass into Disneyland, i dont think there is anyone on the planet who hasnt dreampt of going to Disneyland at some stage. I have such colourful memories of watching the ‘Mouse factory’ ( Where IS that cassette?) and like a lot of people ‘Disneyland’ on Sunday nights, where channel nine would play a Disney movie or one hour documentary. One of the first big events in my life was when my mum and sister took my niece Michelle and i to Moore park in Sydney to watch ‘Disney on parade’, i wish i still had the program for that, it was so amazing for a kid to watch, i just remember the coulor and Cinderella’s dress was made up of hundreds of small fairy lights. Altho i’m pumped to be going to see Pauls concerts .. i must confess to a healthy inner squeal at the thought of going to Disneyland, especially now that i’m over my fear of wild rides and roller coasters. I imagine once i’m there i’ll be pushing kids out of the lines, running around with my mouse ears and groping at the life size puppet charactors, is it true they have ‘walkers’ to protect them from wayward accosters?.
Thursday, May 19th, 2005I’M GOING TO SEE PAUL!!:
Thursday, May 19th, 2005The big news since i last dropped a blog, is that Adam and i are heading off to Los Angeles!. I am so totally revved up for this, in the past the furthest i’ve travelled overseas is New Zealand, and call me old fashioned but i just dont think that counts. We’ll be staying in L.A for seven days, the amazing thing is i only found out afterwards that Paul McCartney is doing two concerts in Anaheim the second and third night we are there, not only that but the stadium is only a ten minute walk from where we are staying. Thanks to the generous help of some US Macca fans i’ve got myself a ticket for the first concert, it’s a really good seat as well. Before we go (November the 10th) i’ll make sure to have a ticket for the second show. This is just soooooo exciting.
Thursday, May 19th, 2005At the moment i’m on a holiday in Melbourne, i arrived yesterday afternoon. Recently on holidays in Queensland i concoured my fear of wild and extreme theme park rides, but not even that could prepare me for yesterdays landing in Melbourne.I’m a pretty good flier, but yesterday just before we touched down i looked up from my book, and thought ‘Hmm, the plane seems to be going a little fast’, before i could squeal ‘Brace! Brace! Brace!’ the rear wheels hit the ground REALLY hard, i then had the sensation of being pulled sideways, the wheels then left the ground, and i was swung back in the opposite direction. Finally the wheels touched down again and the rear of the plane was swaying left to right. It was really weird, i wasnt scared, but i had the definite feeling that things were definately close to being out of control, in fact someone even called out ‘He’s losing it!’, tho i wasnt scared my legs did go to jelly. When we pulled up, i thought ‘Did that really happen?’ but figured it must’nt have been that bad as surely everyone would have been freaking out, but they werent .. in fact no one was talking at all, Hmmmmm. When we got off, the guy in front of me walked up to one of the space waitresses and just sort of stared her down, i think she knew what the score was and said ‘I had a much worse landing in Canberra once’ nice.
Thursday, April 14th, 2005Melbourne is proving SO much fun, i’m staying in i totally love my trips down here, its pure joy for me just to hang out with friends, i think if you try and ‘do’ the holiday thing, where you cram as much as you can into a limited amount of time, you sometimes miss the best part of chilling out and relaxing, and just ‘being’ with friends.
Thursday, April 14th, 2005A quantum change occured in my life last night, whilst visiting my friend Dave we ordered in pizza. No big deal i hear you say .. however, for the first time in living memory i could not finish it, in fact i only got through HALF of this pizza, and it was one of the best pizza’s i’ve ever had the pleasure of masticating over. It was a ‘perfect’ veggie pizza, and i buckled, i choked, i flat out couldnt even contemplate mowing through any more than half of it. Is THIS the first sign of me getting old?
Sunday, April 10th, 2005Venturing out last night to the ‘Greyhound’ in St Kilda, i was cock o’ hoop to find myself in a gay club that that screamed out ‘Greg, you are amongst your own’. I loved this club/pub, the crowd was so mixed, glamour boys, older guys, younger guys and guys wearing suits, but accsesorised with high heels and ‘Patsy’ blonde wigs. Besides the best retro music, the best part of the night was the drag shows, in particular the performer ‘Vivian St James’, Viv’s face has been totally worked over in the best ‘Jocelyn’ style, there really wasn’t much facial movement from the lips up at all!, just awesome .. it’s just dawned on me that Vivian really looks as if she’s been made over to look like a clone of Ivanka Trump. A return trip to the Greyhound is a must.
Sunday, April 10th, 2005Oh dear .. Tamala is not used to ‘hanging one on’ .. alcohol is bad, except when abused in the company of good friends, trashy music, and even trashier drag shows. Mental note, ‘Do not make this a habit’ (unless in the company of good friends, trashy music and even trashier drag)
Tuesday, March 29th, 2005Driving home from Sydney on the weekend with Adam, i rong> was pulled into a breath testing bay by the po-lice. The person in front of me drove in a little hesitantly, when i pulled up the constable leant into my window, and motioning towards the car in front of me said, ‘Yeh .. it WAS an Asian woman’. I will say no more.
Thursday, March 17th, 2005The night after Bob Downe i was back up in Sydney again, Saturday the 12th of March. I met up with Marc at Rockdale and we made our way to Paddington, someone needs to remind me that EVERYTIME i go to Sydney the traffic is a nightmare, i guess where i live, i’m pretty lucky that a traffic jam usually only constitutes two cars bumper to bumper, but up there in Sydney travelling 10 klms’ can take you 3/4 of an hour.
Finding a park up there was another drama altogether, the world is starting to feel a little crowded to me. We met up with Australias answer to the ‘Weeping woman’ Beryl, making our way to the Chauvel cinema it was nice to be reminded that not all cinemas are monster multiplex’s, there are still some lovely and charming independant theatres around, in the lobby we ran into an old friend (mother) Warren, i’m not entirely sure he was totally over Mardi Gras.
Walking into the cinema i spotted a huge poster for the movie ‘Forty thousand horsemen’, this took my eye, as years ago, when he was very young, my dad actually appeared in this film. i remember him telling me how he had to run up one side of a hill dressed as a ‘goody’, then they would change clothes and run down the other side of the hill as a ‘baddie’.
The movie we were there to watch tonight was called ‘The hidden history of homosexual Australia’. I love history and wish that i’d chosen to study that instead of ‘Asian social studies’ .. i mean, what IS that!!??, but i digress. This documentary is one that any Queer Aussie should watch, and i’ wish they would play this in schools. It was really interesting to see an Aussie slant on our local gay culture, instead of being fed European and American gay history. Some of the moivie was pretty sobering, and a lot of it scarey, just the thought that only twenty
years ago homosexuality was decriminalised in New South Wales. To see the oppresession and fear that the community lived under relatively recently was unnerving, and lets not the forget the cruel and brutal coppers, and twisted politicians. The most sobering part of the movie was when they discussed how some people had been jailed for many years for being gay, and that they had been incarcerated in Darlinghurst Jail, which is now a college, but it struck me that this old Jail was only a couple of hundred metres down the road from where we were watching this movie.
After the film we decided to go for a little walk and stomp around Oxford st and Darlinghurst, it would have to be at least three years since i’ve been for a walk around Oxford st, and it was nice to be back, and feel the tinsel and glitter in the air, especially after watching that movie. For the third weekend in a row Beryl dragged us into the North Indian Diner, i’m SURE he has shares in that place, again we were served our now standard order of ‘Korma slops’.
A quick bit of shopping was done, and then we had to let Beryl go free, he needed to revisit a bit of his own hidden history i think. Below are a couple of snaps from the night, Paddington at sunset and a ‘wall doodle’ in Surry Hills. The last pic is a still from ‘Forty Thousand Horsemen’
Thursday, March 17th, 2005“You’ll look distinguished”. Well, thats what well meaning people say to me when i lament the greying of my scone. I’ve started to grow back my sideburns, and i’ve just remembered why i shaved them off in the first place about a year ago, they are GREY!. What to do?, do i get the brown marker out, and colour them in a bit, for a ‘Texta touch up’?, do get a bottle of brown dye and colour just them?, what about the rest of the grey on my head?, if i just do the sidey’s then it will look bizzare, is a Toni perm the answer?. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated .. forget it Phillip, i’m NOT shaving it.