Posts Tagged ‘Fair day’
Monday, September 16th, 2013

A lack of workplace support is associated with depression, says new research.
“Respondents who reported low levels of support from colleagues had twice the likelihood of having significant depression symptoms compared to those who report[ed] having support,” says the study, The Relationship between Work Characteristics, Wellbeing, Depression and Workplace Bullying.
“Consistent with the association between support from colleagues and depression, low levels of support from one’s manager was also associated with significantly higher risk of depression symptoms.”
The study shows that the risk of depression also appears to be affected by relational justice: superiors who provide consistent and sufficient information, who are willing to listen to problems and who provide criticism or praise.
The study reveals “a pattern of increasing risk of depression with declining levels of relational justice, with those reporting the poorest organisational culture showing significantly greater risk of depression compared to those reporting the best organisational culture”.
Workplace bullying was also associated with increased incidence of depression.
But the report notes, “It is not just the experience of depression symptoms that is seen to be elevated among those who experience workplace bullying.”
Suicidal thoughts are also more likely in those who are currently being bullied at work. They are “about twice as likely as those never bullied to report feeling that their life is hardly worth living, report feeling that they would be better off dead, and report that they had thought of taking their own life”, the report states.
The findings are part of the Australian National University’s Personality & Total Health (PATH) Through Life Project longitudinal study, which began in 1999.
The latest results are from interviews conducted in 2011–2012 with workers who were then aged between 32 and 36 years.
For help and support, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14.
For more details on the study, visit Safe Work Australia.
Link to the report HERE
Miss Tammy responds with a head and gusset full of steam.
Well DUH!!.
I heard this report on the radio this morning, about time someone called out the elephant in the room, but still we’re willing to accept this?, granted, i realise we aren’t living in Russia, but we were on such a great course to lead the world, and be what we now kid ourselves we are.
As i watch my workmates fall by the wayside to suicide, depression and heart disease, the fight for what is fair and safe in the workplace has deserted Ostrayans, replaced with a mantra of apathy, and actions of ‘I’m alright jack, fuck you’. The self proclaimed deluded boast of Ostraya being the land of a fair go, is just another aspect of our bullshit, non reality notion of national pride.
We showed (at least a majority did) what a nation of pathetic, non engaged, self centered, greedy people we are during our recent election.
But still we kid ourselves, with an arrogance that is vulgar and sickening, that Ostraya is quarantined from the worst of the rest of the world, some sort of oasis of fairness, looking out for your mates (she’ll be right mate), non sexist, racist, homophobic or greedy, well i’m calling bullshit. Your mileage mary vary. This is Greg Swan, and yes, it’s Monday morning.
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Fair work Australia, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, WHS, Wollongong, Work choices
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

I remember watching this live on tv with my mum, when I saw the explosions at the nuclear plant, I turned to her and said ‘This is really bad, and it won’t be for at least another twenty years before we discover some of the truth, of how bad this really is’. I stand by that, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I bet there is an international agreement to try and downplay what’s really happening, because if we knew, we’d all* be freaking out. (*Except here in Australia, where we’re so piss weak apathetic, and champions of the mantra ‘Im alright Jack’ if its not affecting me personaly, or happening in my actual backyard, I don’t give a shit.)
August 21, 2013, 12:31 pm
By Kentaro Hamada and James Topham
TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan will dramatically raise its warning about the severity of a toxic water leak at the Fukushima nuclear plant, its nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday, its most serious action since the plant was destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011.
The deepening crisis at the Fukushima plant will be upgraded from a level 1 “anomaly” to a level three “serious incident” on an international scale for radiological releases, a spokesman for Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said.
That will mark the first time Japan has issued a warning on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) since three reactor meltdowns after the massive quake in March 2011.
Water still leaking from the plant is so contaminated that a person standing close to it for an hour would receive five times the annual recommended limit for nuclear workers in a year.
A maximum level 7 was declared at the battered plant after explosions led to a loss of power and cooling two years ago, confirming Fukushima as the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl a quarter of a century earlier.
Contaminated water with dangerously high levels of radiation is leaking from a storage tank at Fukushima, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Tuesday. The leak was classified as an “anomaly” earlier this week.
The NRA’s impending assessment upgrade came in a document posted on the agency’s website on Wednesday, with formal adoption to follow a meeting that is being held by the authority’s commissioners, the NRA spokesman said by telephone.
“Judging from the amount and the density of the radiation in the contaminated water that leaked … a level 3 assessment is appropriate,” the document said.
The leak, which has not been plugged, is so contaminated that a person standing 50 cm (1.6 feet) away would, within an hour, receive a radiation dose five times the average annual global limit for nuclear workers.
After 10 hours, a worker in that proximity to the leak would develop radiation sickness with symptoms including nausea and a drop in white blood cells.
Each one-step INES increase represents a tenfold increase in severity, according to a factsheet on the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency. (
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Fukushima, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Japan, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Nuclear, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Anita Bryant, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

When my nephews were little, i thought the standard kids records of the day were pretty boring, so i used to sit them down, and scratch mix the records for them. Instead of your standard ‘Ugly Duckling’ i’d be varying the speed, then playing parts in reverse, they seemed particulally fond of the animals in reverse (can’t say i disagree). The following two clips are from the tapes i mixed up for them, if you listen closely you can hear my nephews giggling in the background, and me all fang and hiss at them, threatening to (caringly) throttle them if they didn’t stop giggling. Honestly, i’m too nice for my own good .. and seriously, who else had an uncle cool enough to scratch mix Puff N Toot for them.
Click the highlighted links below:
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Friday, June 28th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Grey Gardens, Guys, Lesbian, Little Edie, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
What else to do on a freezing, rainy, Sunday afternoon, but list the first five seven inch singles ever given to me, or that i purchased. I have no shame on this list, in fact i couldn’t be prouder, and wouldn’t change one of them.

The EP of South Pacific, given to me by my eldest sister Dianne. ‘Some enchanted evening’ really is the first piece of music i can remember hearing.

A childrens record, i have no idea where this came from, maybe my mum. The opening song ‘Boys and girls come out to play’ was always my favorite, many years later i had it as my answer machine music.

‘Long haired lover from Liverpool’, i’m pretty sure this was gifted to me by my sister Rhonda. I have a memory of being able to, and actually singing this all the way through when i was little, i probably still could .. for the right money.

‘Ben’ by Michael Jackson, this may have been the first song i heard on the radio, and asked someone to buy for me.

‘Hey Paula’ by Ernie Sigley and Denise Drysdale. Without question, this is the very first record i ever purchased, some would feel mortifying shame, i only feel boundless pride, such is the camp value, such is the musical terror, the utter wrongness, that i wear this reality as a badge of filth honor. I vividly remember going up to Corrimal and purchasing the record, it was in a little recod shop up a side ally.
It cost me fifty cents, and i almost wore it out, mostly from playing it backwards. I guess i was about nine when i got this, i had a little record player and cassette machine in my room, i used to make weird tapes, and years before i heard about them, or they probably even existed, i would make ‘Scratch’ recordings, where i would drive the record player backwards using my thumb, and record it onto tape.
I would find a rhythm and rock my thumb backwards, and forwards creating a beat. I was off school one day when i was little, with a chest infection. I was playing with my tapes, and while scratching an ‘Alf Garnett’ comedy album of him singing, i accidently recorded a cough, which came out on the tape looped.
Over the last week while preparing to move, i found a box of ancient cassettes, on some of them were some of these backwards, and scratchy tapes.
Is it any wonder i was a loner and ostracized as a child?, most other kids were outside kicking a ball, i was in my room playing Alf Garnett, and Alice in wonderland records backwards.
You can hear “Hey Paula” HERE
And my looped coughing fit, and guitar, mixed with Alf Garnett titled “Primal Garnett” HERE
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney, Wollongong
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Only this morning i was discussing with a mate the very first concert i ever attended, Sherbet at Wollongong Town Hall. I was only eleven, but i remember it so well. Later this afternoon in an unrelated post on Facebook, someone posted an ad for the concert, and their memories .. too weird 
Photo courtesy of the Lost Wollongong Facebook group.
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sherbet, Sydney, Wollongong
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Monday, June 17th, 2013
Tags: Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Daylesford, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Tags: Adelaide, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, DNA Magazine, Drugs, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, John Waters, Lesbian, Lost Gay Sydney, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Sydney
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